Search engine ranking

Search is one of the most popular things to do on the internet. And that is why search engine optimization is fast becoming a dominant player when it comes to search engine marketing. Google’s first tweet came out in 2009. It was a binary code which read “I’m feeling lucky”. And Google certainly should have been feeling lucky. It’s PageRank, named after co founder Larry Page, dominates where every search in one of their searchbars lands.

And more people are using Google to search than ever before. Around 88 percent of people use the internet to search for products. And around 40 percent of those will follow up on social media. Search engine rankings have made the world a much more connected place, and it is generally good for consumers as well as for producers.

Online marketing makes it so that consumers can compare prices in real time. They research products from competitors and make it so that companies can hold one another accountable for everything that they put out. This is not only an advantage that people have available, it is one that they are actively using. There are somewhere around 70 million internet users who use their cellphones and their tablets to search the web.

Of course, this does not mean that people should necessarily go to Google if they want to increase the position of their company online. A lot of the time, it is best to take a more indirect approach. This is because organic results will typically be better read and more appreciated than inorganic results. This might mean that a startup is a better option for increasing your web presence online than is a goliath of a company like Google. The internet is changing the way that people do business and buy products like never before. Nonetheless, people need to be aware of the best ways to make their presence on the internet known and sometimes the best way to do that is not always the most obvious.

48 Post

Website Reseller


  1. Search engine optimization is probably going to change the nature of industry in general. I don’t really know how B2B marketing works, but it would seem like having the right industry is the way to do business.

  2. Search engine optimization is probably going to change the nature of industry in general. I don’t really know how B2B marketing works, but it would seem like having the right industry is the way to do business.

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