Think about it. Where do most people turn for information? Do most people still buy encyclopedias and almanacs or even search the yellow pages anymore? If you want your company or service to get known, effective online marketing is imperative. Not only is building a website important, but getting it known and on the first page of search engines is the key to success. It is projected that by 2014 internet usage on mobile devices will overtake usage on desktops. With so many people buying in to the convenience of mobile internet sources, you need to make sure their often spontaneous search habits are being met by your website.
Organic links are the links that are a result of a specific keyword search. The higher your organic link is ranked on Google rankings, the more traffic it will get. In fact, an organic click through, compared to a pay per click through, will generate a 25 percent higher conversion rate. The way a website is ranked on Google depends on its PageRank, which is an algorithm named for Larry Page, one of the founders of Google. This algorithm determines how relevant a certain website is in relation to a search. The more relevant the algorithm determines a website is, the higher it will be on a search result.
So what does all of this mean? It means that if you want your website to be known, you better get your website ranked high on search results through an online marketing technique called search engine optimization, or seo. There are different seo resellers out there that will ensure your website is easily searchable. Getting your website on Google is important, as Google is the most popular search engine out there today.
Google is dated back to 1998 when the first Google doodle was introduced. In fact, when a user is on Google, the homepage artwork will look different every day for certain reasons. This stemmed back to when a burning man symbol was used as artwork to let people know that the two founders of Google, Brin and Page, were at the Nevada festival. Aside from the entertaining art that draws users in, the I Am Feeling Lucky search is also something to be made aware of. This binary code, which was the first tweet from Google, takes a user directly to the first organic link of the search. If you learn how to market your website correctly, there is a chance it could be the number one search result, meaning users who utilize this feature will discover your website faster and easier.
Online marketing is important, especially if you want to get your website on a Google search. Google has developed various techniques to draw users in, and that has propelled the site to be the number one search engine. Effective online marketing will get your website onto the top of Google and, with its popularity, your business or service will flourish.
I never go past the first page of results when I Google something. I usually just change my search if I cannot find it on the first page, and a lot of people I know do the same.
I never go past the first page of results when I Google something. I usually just change my search if I cannot find it on the first page, and a lot of people I know do the same.
I never go past the first page of results when I Google something. I usually just change my search if I cannot find it on the first page, and a lot of people I know do the same.
I never go past the first page of results when I Google something. I usually just change my search if I cannot find it on the first page, and a lot of people I know do the same.
I never go past the first page of results when I Google something. I usually just change my search if I cannot find it on the first page, and a lot of people I know do the same.