Seo reporting

Do you really know much about Google in SEO news, other than it is probably the leading search engine? Sure, you may read about Google and other current SEO news on the Google news site, but there are a couple of pretty interesting things about Google that you may not know.

Those beautiful manicured lawns at the headquarters of Google are created through a very unusual method. Goats are rented from a local grazing company to come in and chop down on some tasty grass. What a wonderful idea. But who comes in and picks up the goat droppings? Things that make you go hmmmmmm. That fact probably did not make headlines in SEO news.

You know those Google Doodles we all look forward to? Well, the very first one appeared way back in 1998, almost an eternity in the Internet world. This premier doodle depicts the famous Nevada Burning Man Festival. It was a tongue in cheek message to let the staff know that co founders Page and Brin were out enjoying the festivities and dancing in the desert. How is that for SEO news?

But funny information aside, how important are search engine rankings, SEO news, and Google rankings to your company. What about sponsored or paid advertising? Interestingly, between 70 and 80 percent of search engine users say they ignore sponsored results. So what do these people choose instead. They are choosing to look at the organic results including SEO blogs. SEO news, and other online marketing results.

Good lead generation leads to more business, right? And being on top of the rankings makes that happen. SEO news says that nearly 57 percent of business to business markets say that SEO is the biggest effect on lead generation.

As a business owner, you do need to pay attention to SEO news as it can dramatically affect your bottom line. You can learn about how to boost your SEO marketing efforts to rank higher. You will also get information about how potential clients are using search engines. Did you know that nearly half or about 48 percent of mobile device users say they use their smart phones and other devices to look for product information and information, as well as product promotions? This means that you cannot ignore these users when implement your online marketing strategy.

Seo news sites say that there are many different techniques and philosophy available to assist companies to gain higher rankings. Do not wait any longer expect that your site will miraculous leap to the number one spot. Depending on your individual company needs, you will want to seek an overall package that implements using organic results that will go hand in hand with some paid or sponsored ads. Go read some SEO news and get started!

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Website Reseller


  1. Andy Griffin

    I am going to start a blog with optimization to see if I can increase my ranking.

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